The North Stonington School District has a rich history dating back to 1868
About North Stonington Elementary School

Learning Today + Leading Tomorrow
At North Stonington Elementary School, every student is recognized as a special individual who is supported to become a successful learner and a happy, healthy young person. To reach that goal we will work together with all members of the school community including parents and guardians to provide a safe, supportive environment in which all children will blossom as learners.
Mission Statement
In collaboration with families and the community, NSES strives to foster an academically motivated environment that empowers all students to surpass their boundaries and achieve their utmost potential. Our mission is to cultivate a lifelong passion for learning while nurturing the development of responsible, motivated, and engaged individuals who actively contribute to society.
Behavior Purpose Statement
North Stonington Elementary School is a safe, caring, and honest community. We treat our school, ourselves, and others with respect, take responsibility for our learning, and always do our best.

Dear Students and Families of North Stonington Elementary School,
Welcome to our school! I am so excited to be your principal and to see
the amazing work our students are doing on a daily basis! N.S.E.S. is a
place where students grow academically, socially, and emotionally each day. We believe when families work alongside our staff as a team we are
able to ensure the best learning environment for our children. Our mission
is to help our students to become lifelong learners who are kind, respectful,
and responsible members of society. We seek to challenge and inspire each child to reach their fullest potential in a safe and nurturing environment. We have a special place where a love of learning is created and nurtured.
Sincerely, Mr. Cillino
Academic Expectations
Problem Solving
Social/Civic Expectations