The North Stonington School District has a rich history dating back to 1868

District-Wide Educational Goals For Students
Each student will develop a positive self-image, respect for others and a persistence to learn.
Each student will master communication, computation, problem solving, technological and critical thinking skills for success in life.
Each student will acquire knowledge in diverse areas necessary to achieve his/her potential in a global society.
Each student will gain the skills to be a successful and responsible citizen, family member, worker and consumer.
Each student will develop the skills to become an emotionally and physically healthy person.
Each student will understand, respect and appreciate the values and strengths of a culturally diverse society.
Each student will understand and respond to issues which affect life on our planet.
Target: 21st Century Goals for North Stonington Public Schools
To continue the improvement of quality curriculum and instruction.
To improve student achievement in core curriculum.​
To promote the use of effective instructional practices.
To increase the instructional emphasis on higher order thinking skills.
To improve inter-disciplinary communication skills.
To provide enrichment programs.
To encourage integration for the arts throughout the curriculum.
To increase foreign language K-12.
To develop and support a theater arts program.
To increase the number of electives available.
To prepare students to successfully compete in the global society of the 21st century.​
To include practical life skills in the curricula.​
To promote multi-cultural understanding.
To integrate computer knowledge and usage.
To provide in-school programs for students not pursuing formal post high school education.
To promote awareness of environmental issues, foreign affairs, market economics, and government.
To provide students with research skills.
To continue schools as responsibility centers.​
To encourage students to assume responsibility for their own education.​
To stress the role of teacher as decision-maker.
To stress the role of principal as instructional and responsibility center leader.
To evaluate each curricular area.
To improve school facilities.​
To develop a five-year facilities plan for each school.​
To continuously monitor compliance with building/fire/safety/handicapped accessibility codes and curricular needs.
To increase pride in our schools and community.​
To demonstrate the value of education to all students.​
To enhance student motivation.
To communicate school success/accomplishments to the community.
To involve students in improving our schools.
To increase student involvement in the community.
To increase the use of school facilities after school hours.
To increase parental awareness in our schools.​
To improve teacher-parent communication.​
To involve parents in improving our schools.
To improve communication between the schools and parents.
To educate parents in their role in improving their child/children’s learning.