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(Extended School Year)

  Extended School Year (ESY) services are a component of special education programs designed to support students with disabilities who require additional educational services beyond the regular school year. ESY services are provided to help prevent significant regression in the skills and knowledge that these students have gained during the school year. Here are some key points to understand about ESY services:


  • Eligibility Criteria: Eligibility for ESY services is determined through an individualized education plan (IEP). Students with disabilities must demonstrate a risk of significant regression/recoupment in critical skills or knowledge during extended breaks from school, such as summer vacation, and show that they need ESY services to prevent such regression.


  • IEP (Individualized Education Program): The provision of ESY services is typically documented in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP), a legally mandated document that outlines the student's special education services and goals. The IEP team, including parents, educators, and relevant specialists, collaboratively decides whether ESY services are necessary for an individual student.


  • Types of Disabilities: ESY services can be provided to students with a wide range of disabilities, including but not limited to autism, intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral disorders, and speech or language impairments.


  • Services and Supports: ESY services can vary widely depending on the individual needs of the student. They may include academic instruction, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social skills training, and other related services. The services are tailored to address the specific goals outlined in the student's IEP.


  • Duration and Timing: ESY services are typically provided during extended breaks from school, such as summer vacation. The duration and frequency of services are determined based on the student's needs and IEP.


  • Parental Involvement: Parents or guardians play a vital role in the decision-making process regarding ESY services. They are part of the IEP team and are involved in discussions about whether their child requires ESY services.


  • Transportation: If a student is eligible for ESY services, transportation arrangements may be made to ensure the student can access the services.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Progress toward the goals outlined in the student's IEP is regularly monitored during ESY services. Data is collected to assess whether the services are effectively preventing regression and helping the student make educational gains.


"The state standard in Connecticut has included both regression/recoupment criteria and nonregression criteria for determining if a child is eligible to receive ESY services."

ESY (Extended School Year) Dates for 2023-2024 School Year


Monday, July 8th-Thursday, Aug 1st

4 days a week Monday-Thursday

For students-8:30-11:30


Please reach out to April Christiansen at with any questions.

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